Image Builder
From Maemo Leste Wiki
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Maemo 7 Leste
1.) Install the following packages (for libpython-dev you could choose libpython3-dev and create a symlink from python3 to python):
debootstrap curl git wget qemu-user-static build-essential rsync gcc-arm-none-eabi gcc-multilib lib32z1 u-boot-tools device-tree-compiler lzop dosfstools vboot-utils vboot-kernel-utils libftdi-dev libfdt-dev swig libpython-dev bc bison flex libssl-dev zsh git
1.1) For arm-sdk you need these packages and sudo permissions are required for the user that is running the build.
zsh sudo cgpt parted xz-utils
1.2) If you're using a distribution that is not Devuan, you will have to add a beowulf/chimaera[default]/deadalus target to its scripts until the patch is merged upstream
# wget -O /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ceres # ln -s /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ceres /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/chimaera
2.) In your terminal, run the following commands (where maemo is a symlink and could point to these blends beowulf, chimaera[default] or daedalus):
$ git clone --recurse-submodules $ cd image-builder/arm-sdk $ zsh -f $ source sdk $ load devuan DEVICE_NAME maemo $ build_arm_dist
Note: replace DEVICE_NAME
with your board name:
- arm64-generic
beagleboneblack- bionic
chromeacerchromeveyron- mz617
- n900
- n950
- n9
- droid3
- droid4
odroidxuodroidxu4ouya- raspi1
- raspi2
- raspi3
- raspi4
rock64- pinephone-dontbeevil
- pinephone
- pinetab
- pocophone-f1
- sunxi
- turbox-twister
- xt910
- xt912