Nokia N950

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Nokia N950
Manufacturer Nokia
Hardware Features
Software Features



ubiboot from eMMC

  1. Install ubiboot.
  2. Create a new slice on the eMMC and format it to ext4.
  3. Mount your new ext4 slice and unpack the .tar.gz dist (N9, N950) to it.
  4. Configure ubiboot.conf. This guide assumes you will use slot 5 for Maemo Leste (example):
    • Set G_OS5_INITSCRIPT to \/sbin\/preinit
    • Set G_OS5_NUM to 1
    • Set G_OS5_PARTITION to the partition number of your Maemo Leste slice
    • Set G_OS5_NAME to Maemo
    • Set G_OS5_1_LABEL to Maemo Leste - Linux 4.16 or whatever description you like
    • Set G_OS5_1_FILE to /boot/Maemo/boot/zImage
  5. Reboot to ubiboot and select the slot for Maemo Leste.

If you don't want to repartition your eMMC, there are two alternatives:

  • Use N9 Easy Boot.
  • Unpack the dist to Harmattan's /home directory and set G_OS5_PARTITION in ubiboot.conf to 3. This will result in Maemo Leste sharing a slice with Harmattan's /home. Be careful when removing Maemo Leste, not to remove Harmattan's user or developer home directories.

Kernel development

Linux 4.16.4 plus patches

N950 status:

N9 status:

Sources: linux-stable 4.16.y, N950 patches, N9 patches